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Applicant Name:
Reference Name:


What position did the applicant hold with your company?
What were the dates of employment?
What was the final salary?
What was the reason for leaving?


Please describe the duties the applicant performed in this position:
How would you describe the applicant's relationship with co-workers, subordinates, and supervisors?
Was the applicant late or absent from work, aside from any approved time off? If so, please explain:
How would you rate the applicant's work ethic and attitude?
What would you consider the applicant's strengths on the job?
What would you consider the applicant's weaknesses on the job?
What is your overall assessment of the applicant?


If necessary, may we contact you with any questions regarding this Reference Check Form?
 Yes    No
If yes, please provide:
Phone Number:
Most convenient time(s) to contact:


Additional Comments: